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Por primera vez en la historia, alguien se atreve a combinar los dos mas grandes placeres del hombre moderno, el sexo y dulces frutales.

Estos niños salieron de una bolsa de producto perfectamente sellada y caduca, lo que explica el porque de su actitud ya poco infantil y mas de adulto, por cada mes human es un año gomita. Ok los dejaré porque no quiero interrumpir a nuestros juguetones amiguitos.

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Red-OH yeah dirty boy you are so sweet give me that sticky thing you know i like it
Green twins- hummm hummm are we doing in it right?
Whitey- jesus gelatine christ i think i like you all sweeties on top of me.
transparent Pink- guys im getting bored lets switch.

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transparent Pink- I knew this would work i love being the sandwich of your sugar love.
Yellow- do you like my paw bitch do you? come on say it say it!
Green- honey you just keep on that! i feel soon we will see a new brown panda thanks to you and me.
Whitey- i kinda need to breath you know im not a rock!

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Everybody- huuuuum oooh yeah we are making some love here, arent we?
transparent Pink- i wanna see that honey of yours show me please, shoooow meee

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Yellow- people i think somebody here is sick or something im seeing somebody’s filling and it does not look tasty.
Transparent pink no more- uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh (lots of satisfaction) here is a gift to the world from me.

Entenderan que me fué imposible traducirlos, para mi sería como quitarle un dulce a un niño, pero no queremos ofender a nuestros amigos cierto?

Basado en una historia real.


  • grillermo
    December 9, 2005

    espero no haya herido la susceptibilidad de nadie con esas imagenes tan porno.

  • Shinji
    December 14, 2005

    ojala y te cierren el changarron por obseno

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